Main symptoms of stomatitis:
- the rise of the secretion of saliva
- halitosis
- bloody gums
- swelling of lymph nodes
- spontaneous pains, above all during mastication
- flu
- the appearence of aphtas
- particularly reddened areas (of the oral cavity)
Main causes of stomatitis:
- bacteria, viruses, fungi
- some kinds of angina (Paul-Vincent's angina)
- irritating substances (tobacco, spices)
- long antibiotic treatment (penicillis, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, etc.)
- alimentary deficiency (e.g. vitamin C, vitamin B12, iron deficiency)
- hot food or drink assumption
- bad fitted dental prothesis or prothesis with sharp tips
- bad oral hygiene
- stress
Possible treatments for stomatitis:
- applications of corticosteroids on painful injuries
- the use of antiseptic mouthwash (e.g. aqueous solution with 12% of clorexidine)
Suggestions in case of stomatitis:
- correct diet, rich in fruit and vegetables
- care for oral hygiene
- to be examinated by an oral pathologist when the problem arises
Dentista Puglia, Brindisi
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